Learning path

Okay, my goal - work as software engineer at Google. Currently, I do not have such talent, skill or knowledge for to finish goal. That path it not easy. But, it is possible to achieve.

What should I do?
-Learn. Learn Learn.

That's why I started my challenge by doing "10 000 hours challenge".

What I will learn and what kind of activity will include in that period?
 - Problem solving skills (Algorithm, Data structure)
 - Soft skills (communication)
 - Hard skills (learning backend(Python/Django), side projects)
 - Teaching (writing articles), learning (reading books)

I started today(07.24.2020) and worked only 2 hours. I will try post updates weekly/monthly.

When I will get a job?
 - Getting job on Google for only top/skilled engineers. For now, I can see myself as 0(zero) level. But, I will never stop learning until get destination.

As my English teacher said: 'Life is too short to be upset'. Be positive and We can do it!

Finally, our journey started...


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